Thursday, January 8, 2009

A Day in the Life of Riley

Riley actually woke up earlier than usual this morning and since I had to clean the floors this morning I let her watch Pokemon—“Watch Pikachu Mom.”
Then Justin, Riley and I ran errands. We went to the film department office to ask a question. One of the ladies that works there offered Riley some bite size Oreo cookies. Riley thought she offered her the whole container and eagerly grabbed it, and would not let go. We tried to explain to Riley that the lady was sharing the cookies and only meant for her to have two, but Riley had a death grip on the container. After several attempts, we had to get intense. I held Riley while Justin pried her fingers from the container. She was crying like crazy and had spit mingled with Oreo goo dribbling down her chin. I felt bad for her, but it was so funny I couldn’t help but laugh.
We had to go to Wegman’s for some groceries. Riley was still upset about the cookies and therefore crying while we walked into the store. But as soon as she saw the car carts, all was forgotten. She yelled out an excited, “Woohoo!” and climbed in. On our way to the registers we found a stand of Pez dispensers and found four that I do not have and so grabbed them. I thought it would be fun for Riley to hold them. She thought it was great and proceeded to open one of the packages, “Mom, Pez!” We had to give the cashier what was left of the package and explain.
This afternoon Riley and I were playing when she decided to do the train puzzle—a book with a story about a man that drives a train, each page has a puzzle with a picture from the story. Her idea of “doing” the puzzle meant that she took ALL of the pieces out from every puzzle and then looked at me and said, “Do it Mom.” Thankfully the puzzle pieces are color coded so that you can tell which pieces go to which puzzle. She helped me separate the pieces out according to color, and told me which color was which. And as soon as I would get done putting a puzzle together and show it to her, she would tear them all out again. So after putting them all together for the third time, I took the book and hid it.
Each time we change Riley’s diaper, we give her the opportunity to sit on the toilet. Lately I have been offering her the chance the wear the Little Mermaid panties that we bought several months ago. Usually she has no interest in them, but tonight she asked to put them on. So, I put them on her and then explained that she couldn’t go potty in the panties and had to tell me when she needed to go potty. I asked every few minutes for quite a while if she needed to go potty. Each time she told me no. When it was time for dinner, she stood up and where she had been sitting on the floor was wet. I took her into the bathroom and told her that she needed to sit on the toilet because that is where we go potty. She screamed and cried and told me she didn’t want to wear panties anymore, she wanted to wear a diaper instead. Apparently all of that work staying dry took its toll.

1 comment:

gantrieb said...

That is so funny about Riley and her underwear. We also bought J some and she wants to wear them all the time. She pees in them and just wants another pair. That doesn't go over very well for me. I think it's safest to stick to diapers right now. Your little Riley is getting so big, I love it.