Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Birthday Surprise

for some crazy reason i got it in my head that it would be fun to celebrate the "milestone" birthday's for my siblings and their spouses. we've done fun little things like sending 35 of something each month for a year; or begging people to donate money for 30 DVDs; and other such things. well, it's my turn to turn 30. since i am the organizer of all of these events, i didn't expect much from my siblings this year. . .but oh how wrong i've been. for the past ten months they have been taking turns sending me 3 or 4 letters--as in from the alphabet--that i am supposed to put together and figure out what it is they are getting me for my birthday. some of them have been fairly straight forward like letters cut from a magazine or construction paper, or stickers. some were sent to me on postcards. others in plain or creative emails. one was even sent on a university of wyoming student government hand towel--i'll tell the story behind that one later. but the one today is the one that prompted me to post this. i got a box of tea:

the scarlet letter--which i've been wanting to read:

this coloring book:

and a note saying i should be able to figure out the letters based on the objects! when i showed them to justin he just laughed--he's in on the surprise. i'm having a fun time with it all, but am really frustrated at the same time! how am i supposed to figure this out?! justin told me he would help, but not until i get all of the clues. i love my siblings, but they are driving me crazy! i can't wait until april so i can get this figured out--and it better be good!
on the bright side, i can now take a hot bath, have tea and read a good book!


MandaJ said...

My guess is "T" for tea, "A" for scarlet letter, and "R" for pirate cuz that's what they say. Have fun.

Necha said...

I am as stumped as you. But you better tell us when you figure it out! Now I am on edge!! LOL
(I do know that the scarlet letter is an A-but I am sure you knew that.)

Markie said...

I'm with MandaJ on this one

The Favorite said...

hmmmm, it does sound fun.