Saturday, October 25, 2008

Valen's Birthday Party

Valen had Karate first thing this morning. While her and Justin were gone to that I put the finishing touches on the birthday party. When they got home there was just enough time for Valen to change into her Ash costume. Garrett Jones—from her primary class, Ilona Lukina and Kailynn—both from her school—came to the party. There weren’t many, but I think they had fun. They colored pictures and did Pokemon word searches. Then we played ‘Whose That Pokemon?’ We had Justin draw pictures of different Pokemon and the kids guessed who they were. Valen ended up guessing most of them. Then, we played pin the tail on Pikachu.

After that, we opened presents. She got a Pokemon action figure, a stuffed animal monkey and blanket, Sponge Bob Life and glitter glue pens. After that, the kids watched a Pokemon movie while we got the Pokemon monkey cheese ready. The kids ate lunch while they continued to watch the movie.

Then we had Pokeball cupcakes and handed out the Pokemon party favors—a bookmark, a marshmallow sucker, a bookmark and a Pokemon card.

They ended the party with a game of Pokemon Sorry.

After the party we went to the mall. We tried to find snow pants for Valen, but there were none in her size. So we got Aunt Annie’s cinnamon sugar pretzel sticks instead. Then we went to Target to get Valen a Pokeball to finish her Pokemon Trainer outfit for Halloween.
Justin took Valen over the Zach and Zaden Webber’s house. They couldn’t come to the birthday party, so they invited Valen over to their house to play. They also gave her an ant farm for her birthday present.
We also went to Barnes and Nobles this evening.
Riley spent most of that time being chased by the kids that were invited. She did also enjoy the Pokemon macaroni and cheese, a Pokeball cupcake and watching the Pokemon movie. She did color a word search as well.
After the birthday party we went to the mall to look for shoes for Justin. We didn’t have much luck finding shoes, but we did get to ride the elevator several times and we went to Aunt Annie’s and got cinnamon sugar pretzel sticks.
After dinner and a quick bath, we picked Valen up at the Webber’s house. On the way there Riley and I were singing all of the Halloween songs that we learned at library story time. Riley enjoyed the stirring song, helping me say words like stir, whoo and boo. While at the Webber’s house, Annie came running downstairs to tell us that the little girl was playing in the toilet upstairs.
After picking Valen up we went to Barnes and Noble and got to play with the Thomas the Train set. As we were leaving I had Riley on my shoulders. She was pointing out the Curious George poster in the corner when she sneezed on my head. I could feel the spray of it on my arms. Two ladies that were watching us were commenting on how cute Riley was up on my shoulders; as soon as she sneezed they both let out an, “EEEWW.”

1 comment:

Summer said...

Happy Birthday, Valen! Sounds like it was a fun party! I LOVE the Pokeball cupcakes! What a cute idea!!!