Friday, October 24, 2008

Lions say "ROAR"

After getting dressed and not eating breakfast, we went to Riley’s play group/preschool. Valen enjoyed making the pumpkin craft—gluing on ripped pieces of construction paper onto a paper plate to make a pumpkin. Valen went beyond making a pumpkin and made a pumpkin creature with legs and arms. She also really enjoyed snack time. When we went to the play room afterward, she told me that she felt too old to be there, but then spent quite a bit of time on the zip line and in the sand box and ball pit. I think she had fun.

After a quick lunch, Valen and I headed off to a consignment sale at a local church. Valen found all of the toys immediately. She gathered up all of the Rescue Hero toys and wanted to get all of them. She settled for a packet of write your own books. Just as we were about to leave, we found a bike that was perfect for her, just bigger than her other bike, but not so big she can’t ride it now, so we got it. She rode it around the church several times to make sure that she fit on it. She was so excited to have it that she didn’t complain when we had to cram it into the back seat with her.

After a quick dinner, we went to Grant Richards baptism.

After that we had Valen change into her Halloween costume—Ash, the Pokemon trainer, so we could go to her Girl Scout activity. We went out to the Amherst Museum for some Halloween fun. Basically you go Trick-or-Treating to all of the different buildings on the Museum lot. All of the buildings were decorated and had lights and scary music and noises playing. At first, Valen wasn’t so sure about it, but nothing was too scary, so she was ok with it. After the Trick-or-Treating, we headed to a building for doughnuts and cider.


First thing this morning we went to Monkey Around play group/preschool. Valen got to come with us today. The theme was the seasons and the color was orange—Riley brought in her pumpkin from the pumpkin patch. All of the kids came dressed up in their Halloween costumes—Riley came as a lion—we had to bribe her with a sucker just to put it on. She made a pumpkin picture. After class was over we went Trick-or-Treating to three of the doors in the building. I don’t think Riley really cared she just wanted to go to the playroom. We spent quite a bit of time playing in the playroom. Riley focused on the ball pit and the playhouse today.

Tonight after dinner we went to Grant Richards baptism. Riley saw Ellie Gruwell there and was determined to sit next to her. We sat behind Ellie, which gave Riley the excuse to play peek-a-boo with her.

After the baptism we grabbed some treats and headed out to the Amherst Museum for Valen’s Girl Scout activity. Basically you go Trick-or-Treating to all of the different buildings on the Museum lot. All of the buildings were decorated and had lights and scary music and noises playing. Riley had a lot of fun. I don’t know if she really understood what was going on, but she enjoyed it. She actually enjoyed wearing her costume this time—which was good because it helped give her en extra layer of warmth. She even roared when we asked her what a lion said. She had great concern over a blow-up ghost that we saw in front of one of the buildings. Not only did he have a sad look on his face, but he was outside in the cold. After getting all the treats we headed to a building for cider and doughnuts.

Happy Birthday Grandpa Mike!!

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